Heikki Parkkosen Tuomiopäivän Kello on teos, joka lukee reaaliaikaisesti uutisvirtoja ja esittää ne jatkuvasti muuttuvassa visuaalisessa muodossa mm. pääkallon ja auringon muotoon muotoutuvina sanapilvinä. Installaatio koostuu fyysisesti isosta HD-televisiosta, muutamasta monitorista ja spottivaloista.
First part of the exhibition takes a look at masses through the lens and then back again. What are the needs and fears of people? How does the media operate feeding and molding those feelings?
News agencies around the world are screaming in competition to mold the way we think and the way we are. What do they tell us and what they decide not to tell? What’s really going on in the world right now? Are we ever gonna get the good news?
Doomsdays clock goes on second after second as the world news updates every minute.